Month: February 2022

Things to consider before buying a shower tapware

It is easy for one to think that all one needs to do, is visit the market and get a shower tapware of your choice. As good as this may sound to the ears, I want you to know that selecting the best shower tapware is more than that. One must think of or consider when buying or before buying a shower tapware. You need to take this information so seriously because this is the correct information some people don’t see and hear about, and they commit costly errors. Picking a shower tap in the market is not bad, but some things must be considered. 

Countless people have failed in this area. They did not do the needful. All they did was go to the market to pick a shower tapware. However, this article aims at providing adequate information on things one needs to consider before buying shower tapware. This is a piece of good news for would-be plumbers and homeowners that wants to give their bathroom a great touch. I want to assure you that you will celebrate yourself for reading this article. 

I want to implore you to carefully observe all that will be revealed to her regarding things you need to know before going to the market. Do you know that having a good understanding of your need complemented with the best design is the easiest way to find the best shower tapware? Of course, yes.

 There’s nothing else to say to you other than take you through the ride. Are you ready for the ride? Now, let’s ride!

Hence, below are the things you must consider before buying shower tapware;

  1. Taking measurement: It is expedient for you to make sure you measure the length of the shower tap. The essence of measuring the shower tapware is to know if it tallies with the space you want to install it. Mind you, don’t forget that you must have measured the length of the space you want to install the tapware before leaving for the market. If one fails in making an accurate measurement, one will fall into error. Can you imagine a situation whereby one goes to to buy a shower cap, and on getting to the place where one wants to fix it, one notices that the tapware’s length is more than the length of the space where one wants to install the tap? Of course, that’s an issue. One will have to waste money, effort, time, and resources. That is why it is expedient to know all these facts before going to the market. Therefore, what we are saying, in essence, is that one must take it as a responsibility to measure both the length of the space where the shower tap will be installed and ensure that the measurement tallies with the size of the shower tapware before buying it. Please, do not joke with this point. It is essential. Click here for latest tapware designs.
  1. The right place to fit the shower and the tap combo design: It is essential to know the right place to fix the shower and the tap combo design before buying tapware. It is wrong to buy the tapware before knowing this point. These are the things that one should consider or think of before purchasing tapware. I can assure you that many plumbers are regarded as incompetent not because they cannot install shower taps but because they fail in this aspect of knowing the right place before buying shower tapware. Therefore, it is expedient for you to consider the right place to fit the shower and the tap combo design before going to the market to buy tapware. 
  2. The type of shower tap: One needs to know the kind of shower tap that one wants to use. There are different types of shower taps. So, it is expedient for one to see the kind of shower tap that one wants to use. For more clarification, wall-fitted shower tapware is permanently installed on the bathroom wall, and there is a mixer tap or filler tap. One must know the type of shower tap that best suits the space and the environment of the bathroom. You don’t just enter the market and pick any shower tap. One might end up committing an error.  To get best tapware company in Sydney checkout my other blog
  3. The finish of the shower tap design: Countless people out there didn’t know that it is expedient for them to consider the finish of the shower tap design even before going to the market to buy tapware. For plumbers who want to succeed in this game, this point is crucial. They must take it up as their responsibility to know the shower tap design before going to the market. You might not know this before, but you must work towards it now that you know.
  4. The practicality of the shower tap design for an older age group: This last point is also very essential. Before buying shower tapware, one must carefully think about this point, or else the result will not be pleasant. 

Final words

I hope you will agree that it is essential to consider all the above-listed factors before buying a shower tap. Please join the league of people who put in efforts to do according to the information they’ve heard. For contractors or plumbers, please take some time to reread this article. You might be wondering why I focus so much on you guys. I focus on you guys because if you fail to consider the above-listed factors before buying tapware, it would be recorded as the inability to discharge your duty. Your clients will hold you responsible for whatever mix-up or errors that occur during and even after the installation. There’s no crime in reading through and reading all over again. Finally, I am always open to answering any question that may cross your mind regarding this topic. Therefore, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to drop them in the comment box.    

3 Crucial plumbing issues that can affect tapware

Several people are ranting because their tapware is giving them a severe problem. In fact, some of them has changed their tapware several time without numbers, yet the issue remains intact. At times, the case used to start when water starts to drip from the spout of the bathroom fixtures; one can quickly conclude that the tapware is faulty. Of course, that is a logical judgment. However, the issue might not be what you think. Several people took the bold step of changing their tapware, thinking it was the one malfunctioning. After a while, the problem still rises again. 

However, it is expedient for you to hire a competent plumber to help you install your tapware. I hope you will agree that not all plumbers are up to the task. I mean, not all of them can deliver a quality plumbing service. Most of the issues you are battling with your tapware are plumbing issues. Therefore, this article aims at digging deep into three crucial plumbing issues that can affect tapware. Not only that, but I will also be explaining some things you need to look out for before hiring a plumber. 

Below are the 3 crucial plumbing issues that can affect your tapware

  1. Piping problems: If you hire a plumber who cannot correctly fix the pipe, you will have an issue with your tapware. The tap may fail and stop working. At times, the problem concerning your kitchen tapware and bathroom tapware can be caused by inefficient degraded supply lines in your property. These pipes may be oxidized, broken, or dented due to excessive tree root growth around underground water pipes. Other difficulties that can indicate broken piping include abnormal smells around pipes and fixtures, uncommon water discoloration, unnecessary water leakage, or modest but constant water seepage near the pipe connections. What am I saying in essence? I am only trying to show you how piping problems can affect your kitchen tapware or bathroom tapware. Therefore, it is expedient for you to check the fixing of the pipe properly. One can ask the plumber to help prevent the piping layout and know if the lines are in good condition.
  2. Extreme water pressure: This is a crucial problem that negatively affects tapware. If the home water pressure is extremely high, water can start to drip from tap installations. Remember that this can cause wear and tear on the valve washer. Not only that, ceramics cartridges in one’s mixers can get damaged. They can start leaking or even break at times. When water pressures are high in pipes, water hammers or noise can occur. Endless water hammer can cause the slackening of connections and weariness in pipes resulting in failure and outflows. If these ongoing incidences are left unaddressed severe problems may arise, leaving one without running water at the very least but of poorer quality, and still flooding may occur. 

A competent plumber will take steps to determine if high water pressure is a problem in your home. If that is the case, the plumber may recommend that a pressure reducing valve or pressure limiting valve be fixed at the mains between the meter and supply line. This will help return the pressure to the maximum of five hundred (kpa) in a building at any outlet other than a fire service outlet, stipulated by the plumbing code of Australia (PCA). Therefore, one can only be successful in adjusting and fixing this problem if one has a competent plumber. 

  1. A worn-out valve seat: You might be wondering or curious to know where the valve seat is located. The valve seat is situated, and the base of the tapware’s bar, which is linked to the tap grips and is the entry to the spout or showerhead, and it is from this point, the water is turned on and off. Hence,  if the valve seat has been damaged significantly, rusted, or has gathered with a build-up of minerals, this will stop the creation of an effective seal between the valve washer and valve seat, allowing water to trickle past this point. This problem can be fixed with adequate repairs by substituting the valve’s washer, reseating the valve seat, or in some cases swapping the whole spindle may be necessary. This can cause damage to the tapware.

Knowing the three crucial plumbing issues that can affect tapware makes it suitable for you to understand what to look out for before hiring a plumber. The essence of explaining things you need to look out for before hiring a plumber is that you will be able to avoid spending extra money on fixing the above-listed critical plumbing issues. Therefore, here are the things you need to look out for before hiring a plumber to install your tapware;

  1. Experience: You can afford to lose some of your income in hiring plumbers every six months. You need to check for understanding if you don’t want your tapware to be affected. If you hire an experienced plumber, there’s a high tendency that you will escape falling into the above-listed plumbing problems that can affect your tap. 
  2. Hire well-trained plumbers: It is good to hire a well-trained plumber. Then, how can one know if a plumber is well-trained? Of course, one will know. All you need to do is to ask your plumber some questions. Then, you need to pay attention, concentrate on his gesture, and read some meanings to his body reaction. I am sure you will know if such a plumber is a trained one or not.
  3. Check out for positive reviews: One can also know if one is working with a competent plumber if one can check the plumber’s website to check the percentage of people that has said something positive about him.

Closing thought

Dear reader, I hope you have gotten something tangible to run with. The essence of explaining the three crucial plumbing issues that can affect your tapware is that one will know things that may likely affect one’s tap. Finally, this article also contains items one needs to look out for before hiring a plumber to avoid the three critical issues.

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